"And the food! I did not leave either country hungry, let’s just say that. The Azerbaijani food was a kind of combination of the northern Slavic foods, so, Russian: noodles, some potatoes - not many, and dried meats, but with more of the seasonings you’d expect of Middle Eastern cuisine. And some similarities to other Northwest Asian cuisine, like Afghanistan and India, with some of the seasonings as well as the rices. Being Californian, I hate to use that word, but very fusion…the crossroads of various parts of the world. If you ask for salads, you get cucumber or tomatoes, or both; they like meats, they like breads.
Lots of grilled things, not kebabs, but shashlik, like skewers. Very, very good. They’re big on cheeses, big on breads, like Georgian pizza: adjaruli khachapuri. Super tasty. Oh, and then there was the wine….and more wine. Georgia is known for its wine. They claim they invented it."